Saturday, November 04, 2006

What do you want MORE of?

“You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make
— Unknown

We know by now that what we focus on expands. So what do we want more
of in our life? For me, it seemed I was always feeling like there
wasn't enough time to do everything I wanted. Where could I find the
time to spend with my kids, go workout, make healthy balanced meals,
bake, sing, the list goes on and on.

I have come to realize that I will never find the time for all of that.
I have to simply MAKE the time. And that actually comes when you start
to examine what you really want more of in your life.

Make a list. Brainstorm all the things you want to do, feel you should
do, never have the time to do. Then clump them. What this means is
group them into similar categories to fit under one bigger heading.
Then you prioritize. What are the top 10. Then what are the top 3 that
I can do now. And then here's the big one — schedule it in. I find that
when I commit something in writing on my calendar, I am that much more
likely to actually do it.

So, what you do want more of in your life today?

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