Friday, November 03, 2006

Simply pick one thing

"You must BE the change you want to see in the world."
— Mahatma Gandhi

What could you work on now that would make a difference to your life.
Simply pick one thing that you could change or improve that would give
you a new start, a new perspective, a new direction.

You may want to look at the things that concern you in the world. Or
you could start with your day-to-day routines. Making a difference to
your life could be as simple as picking up the clutter in your house.
Gives you immediate results (a cleaner house). May help to reduce your
levels of stress (mess is stress). And gives you a goal to maintain
your new sense of well-being (keeping the clutter from accumulating,
therefore less work for the future).

So that was my one thing to make a change quickly and effectively. Now
your turn. What's one thing can you do today to put on your list of
successes and make you feel better? Remember, it's a start. And
sometimes that's all you need to get the journey of change rolling the
way you really want it to. Before you know it, there will be a long
list of accomplishments to your name.

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