Monday, November 13, 2006

The Feeling Power

"In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words
without a heart."
— John Bunyan

I have often wondered as a young adult if there was really any point to
praying. Over the years though, I have come to realize that there are
many ways to accomplish the real power behind "prayer" (or mediation,
focus, affirmations, etc.). And it's also now clear to me why so many
prayers have gone unfulfilled: Too many of us have not done it the
right way.

When I was little, I was taught the words to certain prayers and I
recited them. But the power of prayer isn't about the words; it's about
the feeling behind the words. How many of us have been taught to
memorize and recite the words, which we so diligently do; but by
focusing so much on the prayers we've memorized, we have totally
forgotten (or they were never explained to us in the first place) the
feelings the words are meant to provide.

So I may not still formally pray like I was taught growing up. My
intentions however are strongly reinforced with my feelings. When I sit
in meditation and visualize something, I add the feelings that are
associated with the visions. Feel the power of prayer and you may just
notice a big difference in what you are praying for.

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