Monday, August 20, 2007

Are you a Savvy Spender? If not, tune in Wednesday LIVE...

Many of us have tried it in the past. Who has been successful at it? Not me! Budgets! Why don't they work like they should?

Rosalyn Cronin is joining me on Wednesday at 11 am EST on Real Life Radio to help us figure out why budgets don't work. What's more is she is going to help us figure out what we can do to become Savvy Spenders instead.

Tune in to learn this vital skill for our financial health and well-being.

I Have a Talk Show

Saturday, August 04, 2007 makes some changes

We are happy to announce a whole new look to our web site. In addition to our traditional daily inspirations, we have added some great new services to help you on your journey of change.

Actively Creating Your Life is a booster life coaching program to help kick-start your goals into action. Using proven goal setting and follow-up tools, we will set the change machine in motion and help you get what you really, really want — now!

Real Life Radio is now LIVE every Wednesday at 2pm EST on Tune in to listen to the experts in Money, Mind, Body, and Soul explain their views on topics that make a difference in your life.

And our community forum is up for all to share. We need to reach out to each other and hold out a virtual supportive hand whenever we can. So take a look and see if there is something you can comment on or put up your own question for others to help out with.

Looking forward to seeing you in our growing online community!