Sunday, October 15, 2006

Do whatever has to be done

"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's
always your choice."
— Wayne Dyer

As I note my day-to-day moods, I have to come to the conclusion that
this quote is very true. When I am miserable, I hear this conversation
with myself actually deciding whether or not I want to stay that way a
little longer, or to just shake it off and move along to something

I was miserable one moment, then the next I wasn't. Did my
circumstances change? Nope. Only my attitude about them did. And funny
enough, because my attitude changed, the problems that I labeled the
cause of my misery also seemed to change somehow. They suddenly seemed
lighter, less important. Or at least other things seemed more

I have now begun to focus on positive constructive ways to alleviate
the situation that was bringing me down. That was my choice.