Sunday, November 12, 2006

Creating Room for Change

<fontfamily><param>Arial</param>"By learning to identify the
"emotional baggage" and manage our feeling-world reactions, we can
view life based on current information instead of being held captive
by our past."

— Doc Childre


Over the past few years, I have begun the long process of purging and
decluttering my home. I started this because I was preparing for our
family to move. Now, we are still in this same house, but I don't
regret the work I have done so far, and there is still much clearing
out to do. And I am doing it for my day-to-day stress reduction
because I am a firm believer that "mess is stress" and the principles
of Feng Shui of allowing the energy to flow more easily with clean

It still amazes me how difficult it is to part with certain items in
the house that, even though we have no use for them, we want to hold
on to them. Perhaps it gives a feeling of comfort or security to know
we have "stuff" even if the "stuff" serves no purpose.

Now what about the emotional baggage that we keep acquiring over the
years. Are we clearing space for new emotions, hopefully positive,
emotions to flow? Maybe it is the same sense of fear of losing
something or being empty if we let go of the emotions that no longer
serve a real purpose in our life.

Have the courage to let go of your baggage, both emotional and
physical, and recognize the emotional hold that our emotions and
possessions can have on us.

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