Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Healing old wounds

<fontfamily><param>Arial</param>"The divine flow is like the flow of a
river, however many rivers nowadays are polluted, full of junk or
simply stagnating. It is time to take care of them - meaning it is
time to take care of our emotional bodies and to look at them as
rivers, where stuff got thrown in over the years. For some, there is
so much built up, that it works like a big dam which does not allow
any flow of energy. You can easily recognize the flow of energy, by
looking at how much love is flowing in your life, how much happiness,
how much time do you have available, how much money is flowing etc."

— Quantum Angel

It may be time to ask yourself how polluted is your river of emotions?
Has there been some junk and pollution thrown in there when you
weren't paying attention? Are my emotions contaminated and perhaps
poisoning others that come in contact with them?

One quick way to figure out the answers is to look at how much
discomfort or pain you have in your life. Is it all the time, only in
certain situations, only dealing with certain people? We are like our
planet, and over the years of use and misuse the environment now needs
our protection.

Science shows us that we do release chemicals in response to our
emotions. Over time, if these chemicals are not cleared out, they
build up and can become toxic to us. So take action and break down the
dams that are restricting the flow of energy in your emotional river
and get the vitality of living back on track.</fontfamily>

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