Friday, May 13, 2005

Simplify Your Life

A simple life

"Live simply so that others may simply live."
— Gandhi

When he said to "live simply" did he mean live a life of poverty, give up your worldly goods, etc.? I don't believe so. But these days it seems to become harder and harder to get our minds around how to live simply. What I think it means is to live a life that doesn't overwhelm you. If you find that your life is so complicated and busy that you don't even know who you truly are anymore, it might be an indication that your life needs simplification.

Simplification might also mean learning to say "no" to some of the requests that are placed on you. We are taught to give and and help others, and that is all very good and true. But if you have nothing left of yourself or no time left to give to yourself, how can you keep giving to others?

Slow down, step back, examine your days and your routines. How much of it do you really feel is necessary to keep on the schedule? When you give yourself the gift of simplifying your life, you will actually be giving others the gift of a more complete (and mentally sane) you.

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