Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Be true to who you are

Be true to who you are

"I pay no attention whatever to anybody's praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings."
— Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

As difficult as it may be to listen only to your inner self, allowing yourself to be guided by others opinions of you, either good or bad, will leave you feeling like you are the rope in a game of tug-o-war.

Follow your heart and you will never go astray for it will always be true to you.


This was a difficult one for me to get when I was feeling low and down about myself. If someone were to pay me a compliment or praise me, I let their feelings, whether genuine or not, replace my doubts about myself. Now that might sound ok on the surface. I was able to pull myself out of the blues, right? Well, not really, because it wasn't my feelings about myself. I didn't truly feel worthy of those compliments and therefore was not able to rely on my own feelings to feel good again. That meant in order to feel good about myself, I had to rely on outsiders to pump me up.

The other danger was that if someone said something negative about me, I also really took that to heart. I then found myself feeling low again and not knowing how to get out of it myself.

In order to avoid this pulling and tugging up and down, I had to finally realize that the opinions of others, even the good ones, should not define who I am or how I feel about myself. I had to find my balance and stay there no matter what. And the key to staying in balance is to love yourself exactly as you are. Change is good, but true change in your life will only happen, and stay, when you love yourself enough to accept that you deserve to have the life you want, exactly like you want it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is an affirmation that has helped me to accept myself just as I am:
"I love, like and accept myself just as I am. I am loved, lovable and loving. I am an amazing, unique, powerful and magnificent human being."
Saying it in front of a mirror at least once a day is bound to make a huge difference to anyone's self esteem.