Friday, May 20, 2005

Feel good about who you are

"When we feel great about who we are, we radiate an undeniable magnetic energy that attracts to us all the things we desire."
—Debbie Ford, The Best Year of Your LIfe

Having high self-esteem is probably the most important requirement in achieving success, obtaining what you want in life, and simply living the best life you could possibly live. Too often we are lead to believe that we can feel good or better by obtaining things outside ourselves — money, status, respect from others. This often means we neglect and minimize the importance of how we feel inside.

As long as we continue to feel shame, judgment, doubt about who we are, happiness and success will not find their ways to us as we run around trying to fill the void with things outside ourselves. When we have the courage to love and respect who we are, both perfect and imperfect, we automatically feel deserving enough to have it all.


Until you make an honest assessment of how you feel about yourself deep down — the behaviours, the habits, the choices you make on a regular basis that diminish your sense of self — you will not be able to find that "true" happiness you read about and hear about all the time. Take the time to evaluate how you can counter your self-defeating choices and thoughts. Write down new actions that would elevate your sense of worth and help you to start feeling good about who you are, exactly as you are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rose-Anne: It is me again. I did not receive the daily inspirations today and yesterday. Sorry to keep bothering you but if you are not aware of it I would think you would want to know! I MISS them! You are doing a great service. I know the month of July you are gone but could I have June 30 and 29 and then be sure to start me up August 1st! Thank you