Friday, December 08, 2006

What is your mindset?

"Briefly, your mindset is the combination of your experiences, values,
beliefs, self-image, attitudes and habits that are lodged in your
unconscious mind. They determine every action and every result you
have in your life."
— James Arthur Ray

Your mindset is completely unconscious, and yet it is what drives all
your actions and results in your life. As James Ray points out, there
has been much talk about mindsets in the last ten years, however, very
few people know what they are and even less know how to address and
change them.

Success in change comes by dealing with the foundational cause in your
mindset. This means that even if you have the knowledge or the skills
to live a better or more successful life, if the underlying mindset
doesn't support that knowledge, change will not occur.

I am not suggesting that skills and knowledge are not important because
they are. But you can only utilize them if they are laid upon a firm
foundation of winning thought. This is much more than just motivation,
affirmations, or "positive thinking." If you want to change or improve
your results, you must change and improve yourself at the root or
causal level — your mindset! Long-term success is not just about
acquiring new skills ... it's about shifting your mindset.

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