Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What is your life purpose?

“For your life path to be fulfilling, passionate and joyous it requires
a connection between you and your spirit, from inside. It requires
connection with your body, mind, heart, and soul, and a courageous
willingness to express on the on the outside what is true for you on
the inside.”
— Janet Amare, Soul Purpose

A life purpose. I believe that we all have a very specific purpose for
our life. Most people get caught up in what their egos tell them they
should accomplish: fame, fortune, power, acceptance, etc. But even
those who have accomplished all of that sometimes come to realize there
is more to life. My daughter’s favorite actor, Will Smith, feels that
he is here to do more than entertain and make a fortune. He doesn’t
know what it is yet. But he is keeping his eyes open for all the clues
to present themselves.

Usually to find the real answers to “Why am I here?” you have to look
past what you do for a living. Your search must begin from the inside.
Understand in your exploration that your life purpose is more about
“being” something than “doing” something. Then you must follow the path
that your heart sets before you. It may take years of deep inner “soul”
searching before you find the true path to fulfilling your life
purpose, but every step you make along the way will take you a step
closer to the answer.

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