Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What are you keeping out?

"Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends."
— Czech Proverb

I know some people who have been hurt, emotionally, by people they
thought loved them. And understandably they are now cautious of
trusting again, loving again. So they put up their protection shields
to keep people out. That way they won't get hurt again, right?

But what are they keeping out? Perhaps they won't get hurt by others,
but the life they are now creating seems to be hurting their chances
for joy, their chances for feeling love again. As much as we all would
prefer to live without hurt, keeping everyone out for fear of them
hurting us again will also keep out all who would love us again.

Instead of surrounding yourself with a fence of mistrust and fear,
surround yourself with a circle of supportive and loving friends. Allow
yourself to attract those that would love you by loving others first.

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