Sunday, April 30, 2006

Forgive the monster in you

"If you haven't forgiven yourself something, how
can you forgive others?"
— Dolores Huerta

I was asked the other day how can one forgive
oneself for all the terrible things done in the past?

It is simple: Forgiving yourself is key to being a better
person right now. If I were to go through my days
constantly punishing myself and telling myself that I
am a terrible person, what kind of a person would I be
to all those that I have to deal with every day?
— A terrible one. And probably a depressed one.
Certainly no one that I would want my children interacting
with and learning from every day.

Would I be able to give love to anyone else when I can't
even muster up enough for myself? No. I need to forgive
myself and love myself so that I am full of this loving and
positive energy that can then shine out to all those in my life.

We all have monsters from our past — big and small.
Stop punishing yourself and use active forgetting
to guide you each day. It's time to forgive the monster in you
and allow others see the love light shine bright through you!

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