Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Seeing it makes it more believable, and attainable

"You must understand that seeing is believing, but also know that believing is seeing." — Denis Waitley

You've heard this saying before: "Seeing is believing". We find it easier to believe what we see with our own eyes. And the same holds true for mental "seeing". Visualizing a scene or action in your mind tends to make it more real. And therefore as you "see" it, you come to believe in the reality of the image that you have created in your mind's eye.

This has actually been tested and proven in hospital settings. Two patients both unable to get up to walk, their muscles beginning to atrophy are compared. One is told to visualize himself exercising his muscles every day. At the end of the test period, they are both measured and the one who "saw" himself exercising maintained more muscle tissue, as if he had actually been exercising. His mind didn't know the difference and therefore his brain sent the messages that he was working out. Amazing!

At first visualization of a goal may seem forced and unnatural. Repeated visualizations, slowly create the belief that the desired goal is possible, then probable, then, finally, a fact.

And once a goal has become real in your mind, once you believe it, it starts to become real in your life. And then you can ACT on it because you have already convinced every cell in your body that this goal is attainable.

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